Architectural Review

Architectural Review
What is design review for?
Whether it's painting, planting, or even updating a security door, all exterior changes to your home require approval from the Architectural  Review Committee (ARC) before the work starts to make sure all updates align with our community's architectural guidelines. The guidelines protect our property values and preserve the unique character of our community. No improvements may be installed or constructed, and no alterations, repairs, front or backyard landscaping, or other work done in any way that alters the exterior appearance of any property or exterior of the home without approval from the ARC as stated in our Tortosa CC&R's.
How to submit an application:
Step One
Review the Architectural Guidelines for information on approved plants, gazebo size, colors, and more!
Step Two
Submit a Architectural Review Application, plot plan, and supporting documents via this user-friendly link: Architectural Review Application Link.  We encourage all applications to be submitted online, as this helps with a faster response from the Architectural Review Committee.
What to expect after submitting an application?
Please check your email for any additional information that may be needed. After a submittal is accepted by the ARC is complete and meets all stated submittal requirements, the ARC’s approval or disapproval shall be given within a reasonable timeframe, within 45 days of its receipt of application. However, the failure of the ARC to respond within this time frame shall in no way be deemed approval of the proposed improvements.
Who is the Architectural Committee? 
In accordance with Arizona law, A.R.S. Section 33-1817 governing planned communities, it is stipulated that a board member must serve as the chair of the Architectural Review Committee. 
The Tortosa CC&R's limit membership of the ARC to three members (see Article 5, Section 5.3), and by operation of law a member of the Board must both serve on the Board and as chair (see A.R.S. 33-1817(B)(1)). 
Brian Groener was appointed as the Board Architectural Committee Chair and will be facilitating the Architectural Committee meetings. 
While the CC&R's restrict the ARC Committee to three (3) members, the ARC Charter permits the appointment of two (2) additional alternate members, who may only serve in the advisory capacity. The term for the alternates are limited to one year. 
The Board of Directors has approved the following applicants and terms to the Tortosa Architectural Review Committee. 

ARC Committee Members 
  • Brian Groener - Board Architectural Committee Chair - One year
  • Chris Wilson - One year
  • Peter Nithin Emmanuel - Two year 
The Tortosa Architectural Committee Charter are the rules that guide the architectural committee, who is responsible for reviewing and deciding on how homes and properties in a community should look. It lays out the purpose, responsibilities, and procedures for the committee. 