Welcome to our community FAQ page. You are in the right place to get answers for general questions that you might have! Please use our contact page if you would like to ask a question has not been answered below. We would love to hear from you!

Association Living
  • chevron_rightAre residents allowed to host block parties?
    Maricopa residents may certainly host block parties. Applications for block party permits are located on the City of Maricopa website and processed through the Community Services department. I have attached a link to the application for you. Block parties are allowed on local streets up until 11 pm.
  • chevron_rightHow can I apply to modify my home?

    We know that with any new home, making it feel like an extensive of you is frequently desired. We require that any exterior modification or addition to your home and/or landscaping or structural changes have prior written approval from the Association. These modifications include but not limited to structural changes, landscaping, walls, fences, gates, driveways, walkways, pools and spas; in essence, anything that is visible from the street, common areas or neighboring property. A Design Submittal Application can be found on the tortosahoa.net website under the Documents>Applications tab.
    Work may not begin without written approval.  You should note that this approval process may take up to 45 days, therefore, schedule any construction or installation work accordingly.  The Association makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that any plan submitted and approved is in accordance with all state, county, or local building codes.  Each homeowner is required to check and receive, as appropriate, all regulatory approvals for all changes made to any home or lot.  
  • chevron_rightHow does trash collection work?

    Trash and recycle containers are provided by Waste Management.  Please make sure your refuse is placed in the container, not on top or beside it.  Trash not in the container can cause litter and debris to be strewn about the community.
    Garbage and trash needs to be stored in the provided trash containers. Trash containers must not be visible from the street and need to be removed the same day that trash pick-up service is provided.  Trash and recycling pick-up is on Wednesday.  Trash containers should be curbside by 6:00 am on those days. For monthly bulk trash, always use heavy bags or appropriate containers that are properly and adequately secured for your entire refuse disposal and place curbside the evening prior to pickup. For more information on trash collection, contact Waste Management at 1-800-796-9696.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules for parking?
    For maximum safety and to minimize inconvenience for your neighbors, please park in the proper parking areas designated for your home.  Your guests should always use visitor or street parking and not those areas designated for your neighbors.  You should never park in a designated FIRE LANE or park in such a manner as to prevent access to any areas.
  • chevron_rightWhat should I do about a disturbance?
    Social gatherings for you and your guests are welcomed and encouraged provided they do not become boisterous or objectionable to your neighbors.  Please help out by not disturbing others in your neighborhood.  Should you be disturbed by your neighbors, please contact the local police.  After hours emergency personnel cannot assist you with disturbances.
Community Association
  • chevron_rightHow can I pay my assessments?
    There are four (4) convenient ways that you can pay your assessment: 
    • Send in your payment with the bottom of the invoice to the lockbox payment address.
    • Set up direct debit to have CCMC debit your checking account.
    • Drop off your payment in the Association office.
    • Pay online at www.tortosahoa.net, you can pay with a credit card or E-Check.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Community Assessments? (Updated)
    The assessment is $85.00 for each lot. The assessment is due on the 1st and late after the 15th of each month. A monthly statement will be mailed to you. To ensure proper crediting of your account, please include your account number on the check presented. Checks should be payable to: Tortosa Homeowners Association
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Governing Documents?
    • The Governing Documents are legal documents that owners receive at closing that provide for how the community is governed and run. These documents include the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s). If you are renting, please ask your landlord for a copy.
    • To protect property values and preserve the character of the Community, the documents provide for the establishment of architectural standards and the development of rules for the community. We encourage you to read the CC&R’s, Design Guidelines and any other rules and regulations for Tortosa.  These documents are available on the HOA website. 
  • chevron_rightWhat happens if someone doesn't pay the assessment?
    Assessments are crucial to the success of the community. Your assessment is the primary source of income for your Association.  The Board of Directors has adopted an assessment collection policy.  To obtain a copy of this document, visit the Documents tab on this website. We are always willing to work with residents to help ensure assessments are paid. Please communicate with us immediately should you realize you may be late or if you fall behind. If we don’t hear from our residents, collection efforts will move forward and could result in fines, liens or legal action. 
  • chevron_rightWhat if I have a billing issue?
    Please call CCMC Customer Service at 480-921-7500 or The Association Office at 520-423-9706 if you have an issue with your bill. If you have supporting documentation, such as canceled checks, including copies of the front and back please have those handy. 
  • chevron_rightWhat is a Community Association?
    • The Association has many purposes including preserving and enhancing property values, enriching the lives of our residents, building community and providing a wide variety of well maintained amenities.  
    • Governed by a Board of Directors, it also provides for the maintenance, improvement, preservation and administration of the common areas. 
  • chevron_rightWhat is the process for violations?
    CCMC representatives conduct on-site inspections on an ongoing basis to locate any violations or reoccurring violations. You, as a homeowner, are encouraged to report violations to CCMC when you notice them. We all need to work together toward maintaining property values and the quality of life at Tortosa. For more information on violation procedures and guidelines, visit the community website at www.tortosahoa.net.
Community Features
  • chevron_rightHow do I find out about Community Events and how do I participate?
    Community Events are regularly announced on www.tortosahoa.net, the community Facebook page, and in email blasts sent out by our Lifestyle Director,Erin Odom. Some events require that you RSVP in advance so that we can make sure that we have the right amount of food and supplies to make sure that everyone enjoys the event. Your cooperation in making sure that you RSVP in a timely manner makes events much more smooth and enjoyable. Check out the website and weekly email on a regular basis.  
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for the streetlights?
    While the Association pays the electricity cost to operate all the street lights in Tortosa, ED3 is responsible for all maintenance of the street light poles/fixtures.  If you notice a light that is out or in    need of repair; get the pole number and report the repair issue to ED3 at (520) 424-9021.
  • chevron_rightWhy is the fountain on sometimes and not on other times?
    The fountain is monitored by a wind feature shutting it down if the wind velocity exceeds 10 miles   per hour over a 3 minute time frame.  This eliminates water loss, which would leave the pump running with no water.
Flood zone
  • chevron_rightNew Flood zone: Where is it and is there anything in the works to divert this problem?
    There was/is a great article in the InMaricopa newspaper, August Issue.   Also on InMaricopa.com (August 2, 2014). http://www.inmaricopa.com/Article/2014/08/02/much-of-maricopa-designated-as-floodplain-insurance-costs-rise
    There is a project in place approved by the City Council for presentation to FEMA to bring 3,000 acres out of the Santa Cruz floodplain.  There is no indication as to time frame at this point, however there is definitely a team of people active on the project.  
    The City of Maricopa is a great contact source for any questions regarding the progress of the project.  
  • chevron_rightAre we able to post notices on the mailboxes?
    It is illegal to post notices of any kind on the community mailboxes.  In an effort to maintain Tortosa, these notices will be removed from all mailboxes.  If there is a situation of lost and found, please contact the proper authority (i.e. animal control and/or police department).  Pinal County Animal Control (520) 509-3555,   Maricopa Police Department non-emergency line (520) 568-3673. We can also post an alert for you if you contact the office.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get my mail key?

    Mail service is provided by the Maricopa Main Post Office located at 44920 W Hathaway Ave in Maricopa.  The phone number is 520-568-2641. There is also a number of shipping stores in the area that can help you with your postal needs.
    The Tortosa HOA does not maintain keys or box locations for each house. In order to access your mailbox, you will need to acquire a key from the builder, or previous homeowner. If you do not receive the location of your box, please contact the Maricopa Post Office and they have a procedure in place to help you locate your box number and location. Once you have the location information, you may contact one of the following to provide you with a key for the box. This will require them to re-key the box.
    Jeff Elliot
    J&K Postal Works
    Steve Bryner
    Express Mailbox
    James Vizcaya
    Southwest Mailbox Specialists LLC
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for the maintenance around the mailboxes?
    The landscape maintenance around the mailbox is the responsibility of the homeowner of that lot.  The lot property line extends to the sidewalk.  Granite is to be installed with your front yard landscaping.
  • chevron_rightAre there leash law restrictions for my pet dog?
    Please be a considerate neighbor by always keeping your pets attended on a leash and by cleaning up after them.  In addition, please prevent them from making an unreasonable amount of noise or from becoming a nuisance.  If you encounter a problem with an unattended animal, please contact Animal Control directly at 520.509.3555.
    • Just like the City of Maricopa and Pinal County restriction, we require that dogs be kept on a leash at all times. Remember we do have wild animals such as coyotes and bobcats, so this is for the animal’s protection as well.
    • Always carry a bag with you when walking the dog on the sidewalks and walking trails and clean up after your pet. Your neighbors appreciate it! To facilitate this, Tortosa offers pet waste stations throughout the parks and walking trails for your convenience.
    • Please remember that not abiding by these rules could result in a violation. 
  • chevron_rightDo I need to notify the HOA if I rent my home?
    Yes, a TENANT INFORMATION FORM must be completed and returned to the HOA along with a crime free lease addendum.  These two items may be obtained from the HOA Management Office. Additionally, no lease may be for less than a 3 consecutive month period.